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Life flo Liquid iodine plus support thyroid functions – 59 ML Unflavored

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 1,300.00 EGP.Current price is: 740.00 EGP.

  • Reduce exhaustion and increase energy.
  • Boost thyroid functions and relieve hypothyroidism symptoms.
  • Strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
  • Liquid iodine plus Promotes normal metabolism.
  • Produced by: Life flo.
  • Package size: 59 ML.
  • Made in United states.
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What is liquid iodine supplement?

Life flo Liquid iodine plus is a dietary supplement formulated to enhance thyroid gland functions, improve overall body health and functions, and increase the energy of the body to boost physical performance so you can do your daily routine activities easily. Iodine liquid drops also help treat hair loss, and increase skin freshness. Read on to learn more about potassium iodide liquid drops.

Liquid iodine drops benefits

  • Enhance normal metabolism and improve the body’s vital functions.
  • Boost your energy levels to fight fatigue and reduce tiredness.
  • Strengthen brittle nails and keep your nails healthy.
  • Using liquid iodine for thyroid helps improve thyroid gland functions, and produce thyroid hormones.
  • Boost skin freshness and vitality, and improve skin health.
  • Treat hair loss and keep your hair healthy and strong.

Life flo liquid iodine price in Egypt 2025

At Elwebkala, Life-flo liquid iodine plus price is available for purchase for just 740 EGP per packet.

Life Flo Liquid Iodine Plus Pice

Life flo liquid iodine price

Iodine supplement drops dosage

  • Add 3 drops to a glass of water, or a meal, or as recommended by your doctor.
  • Don’t exceed the recommended dose.

Life flo iodine plus ingredients

Contains 150 mcg iodine (as potassium iodide, iodine) as main active component, in addition to purified water.

Liquid iodine side effects

Liquid iodine plus may cause some side effects if you exceeded the recommended dosage or were allergic to any of the active ingredients, some minor side effects are:

  • Hypothyroidism due to its inability to tolerate large amounts of iodine.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Coppery after test.
  • Increase saliva.
  • Rash.
  • Irritation.
  • Digestive disorder.
Life Flo Liquid Iodine Plus Warnings

Life flo Liquid iodine plus warnings

Life flo iodine plus liquid advantages

  • Easy to use.
  • Unflavored.
  • Dietary supplement.
  • Improve overall body health.

Liquid iodine plus disadvantages

  • You should consult your healthcare provider.
  • May cause some sensitive reactions for some people.

Instructions before using life flo iodine

  • Best to use with health care provider.
  • Consult your doctor before using iodide liquid if you have any medical conditions or take any medications.
  • Not allowed for pregnant or nursing women.
  • Not-allowed for kids under 18.
  • Avoid using Life flo Liquid iodine plus if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • Keep in a cool and dry place.
  • Keep out of children’s reach.

Life flo liquid iodine supplement reviews

One customer reviewed “Iodine changes your life and it’s no joke. After 2 tumultuous years and harassment at work, I almost went crazy, increased aggressiveness, not really good mood, not to mention a huge loss of hair. I followed the evolution over 5 months, I was taking complete juvamine tablets with 150% iodine. It is an average product but it gave me some results. On advice I was told about liquid iodine, and the results were not long in coming. I’m not saying that people will get their hair back overnight but it’s a lead, the thyroid is serious and have it checked because a lot of things come from it. I put a few drops in the drinking water at home (bottles) and it’s incredible the changes I observed. There are no more nervous breakdowns, the mood is good.”

Frequently asked questions about iodine liquid drops

What is liquid iodine drops for?

Iodine can be used topically in a liquid form to help treat and prevent infections, boost body health, and improve thyroid gland functions.

Can you drink iodine liquid?

You can drink liquid iodine by adding it to water, juice, or food, BUT after consulting your doctor.

What is the two disadvantage of iodine?

Excessive iodine consumption can lead to similar symptoms as iodine deficiency, including thyroid dysfunction and goiter.

Frequently Asked Questions About Life Flo Liquid Iodine Plus

Frequently asked questions about Liquid iodine supplement

Ask for our Life flo Liquid iodine plus offers at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Elwebkala, by contacting us through the following numbers:


Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Life flo Liquid iodine plus support thyroid functions – 59 ML Unflavored

  1. Avatar Of Nabil Saleh

    Nabil Saleh (verified owner)

    شديد المفعول حقا! استعملة عند الحاجة وفي الأوقات المناسبة

  2. Avatar Of Sherif Asaad

    Sherif Asaad (verified owner)

    كل المنتجات جودتها عاليه وفى مصداقيه كبيره اوى فى التعامل

  3. Avatar Of Nehal Hussein

    Nehal Hussein (verified owner)

    شديد المفعول حقا! استعملة عند الحاجة وفي الأوقات المناسبة

  4. Avatar Of Noha Refaat

    Noha Refaat (verified owner)

    ممتاز من حيث الجودة والمكونات طبيعية وامنه والعبوة محكمة ومن حيث الفائدة

  5. Avatar Of Engy Abdelwahed

    Engy Abdelwahed (verified owner)

    اهم حاجه فى التعامل معاكم فعلا المصداقيه ونفس المنتجات اللى بنشوفها بتوصلنا

  6. Avatar Of Rokaya Shaheen

    Rokaya Shaheen (verified owner)

    منتج رائع! يتوافق تمامًا مع المعايير والصفات الموضحة الموضحة على الملصق

  7. Avatar Of محمد عبداللطيف حلمي

    محمد عبداللطيف حلمي (verified owner)

    تشكرو على المنتج وفرق معايا صحيا

  8. Avatar Of Mohamed Elkelany

    Mohamed Elkelany (verified owner)

    من اكتر الاماكن اللى كنت مرتاحه وانا بتعامل معاها

  9. Avatar Of عمر ابو مصطفى

    عمر ابو مصطفى (verified owner)

    انا عندي باقي من الشهر اللي فات فا قوليلي اخد ايه معاه الشهر ده وابعتهولي

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    فتحى البدر (verified owner)

    يغالي ربنا يخليك الاوردر وصل من شويه ومظبوط

  11. Avatar Of Rajaa El-Rachedi

    Rajaa El-Rachedi (verified owner)

    لاء خالص مشاء الله تحفه وجاب نتيجه ده غير انه وصل في الميعاد

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    محمد مرتضي (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى استخدمتها

  13. Avatar Of Yasmine Hamdy

    yasmine hamdy (verified owner)

    شكرا لذوقكم و خدمه التوصيل و منتجاتكوا الرائعه

  14. Avatar Of نجلاء حسن

    نجلاء حسن (verified owner)

    استخدمته و طلع حلو جدا

  15. Avatar Of Sara Zainhum

    Sara Zainhum (verified owner)

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  18. Avatar Of Iman Naeem

    Iman Naeem (verified owner)

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  19. Avatar Of رنيم رهونجي

    رنيم رهونجي (verified owner)

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